MVMA Hamvention Preparations
To support the MVMA booth at Hamvention (#1205), several members went out to Jim Simpson’s Tower (KF8J) in Xenia to add a new antenna pointed at the Fairgrounds. Bill Curtice …
To support the MVMA booth at Hamvention (#1205), several members went out to Jim Simpson’s Tower (KF8J) in Xenia to add a new antenna pointed at the Fairgrounds. Bill Curtice …
Recently, several mesh members visited the Miami Valley Hospital South (MVHS) rooftop to perform maintenance on several of the mesh nodes there. The Beavercreek node had failed and was replaced …
The Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club will be holding its Field Day at Sackett-Wright Park in Bellbrook, OH. Several mesh cameras will be setup to observe the event. You can find …
Bill Curtice, WA8APB, and John Westerkamp, W8LRJ, went out to the Xenia North tower and completed the work from our last visit. This included installing the new XeniaNorth-to-DARA dish and …
The MVMA crew was out today updating the Miami Valley Hospital South (MVHS) nodes. Chuck Gelm, NC8Q, Bill Curtice, WA8APB, and John Westerkamp, W8LRJ, were on the roof of the …