The Miami Valley Microwave Alliance is an active group of Amateur Radio operators building and operating a high speed multimedia network of affordable ($40-$100) outdoor rated commercial quality 802.11n Wi-Fi devices.

The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network maintains the firmware that is flashed into certain Wi-Fi Routers. This AREDN firmware permits using Ham Radio frequencies adjacent to the standard 802.11n channels.

This AREDN firmware supports automatic adaptive mesh-style networking. Mesh-style networking is capable of working within a network of a similar distanced and a similar profiled network of nodes. Our local group has dissimilar profiled nodes and we have rolling terrain and tall trees which render a pure mesh-style-technology impractical. Much of our network is utilizing point-to-point links rather than the often assumed pure-mesh network of putting every node on the same frequency and assuming that the AREDN firmware will figure it out.

Current Officers

Effective as of 8/10/2023

PresidentChuck Gelm, NC8Q
TreasurerBill Curtice, WA8APB