MVMA Booth Works Hamvention

The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (or AREDN) set up in Booth 1205 at Hamvention this past weekend. Working the booth were Randy Smith, WU2S, Tom Wilkinson, KN6PLV, Orv Beach, W6BI, and Chuck Gelm, NC8Q. The AREDN team demonstrated various dishes and panel equipment and setup a large TV monitor with mesh access to display the AREDN software, mesh maps, and camera outputs from the network. A camera provided for the booth by John Westerkamp, W8LRJ, was live over the mesh during Hamvention showing the crowds around the DX Engineering booth. Another visiting operator set up a camera and several mesh services from the RV Camping Ground and connected to the Hamvention mesh. The booth was active with many visitors interested in AREDN technology throughout the weekend.

Thanks to Bill Curtice, WA8APB, and Tim Procuniar, N8NQH, for setting up the panels and dishes at the Fairgrounds and at Jim Simpson’s KF8J tower in Xenia to put everything on the Miami Valley Microwave network.